Рисунки на крови
Сегодня открыла почту и среди счетов нашла письмо.

Как получить автограф с фото от Дженсена Эклза

Во-первых, вот его адрес для тех, кто хочет по почте отправить письмо:

Jensen Ackles
Management 360
9111 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA

Надеюсь отправлять письма и писать адрес все умеют))

А вот Мыло: [email protected]

А теперь самое главное – свой адрес.

Вот вам пример, как писать:

Olga Proskurova – имя, фамилия
Russia – страна
Elektrostal – город
52 12 Karl Marx – номер дома, квартиры, название улицы
144009 – индекс

Не надо писать областей, кварталов и все такое, там разберутся. Если отправить на мыло сообщение, то писать свой адрес только. Ну можно, конечно, пару строчек написать, но вряд ли кто-то читать будет. Как отправить сообщение на mail.ru, то приходит ответное сообщение, типа спасибо и все такое. И если все правильно сделать, то останется только ждать))
Фото приходит по почте, в конверте. А самое интересное, что конверт с адресом заполнен от руки.

Вообще с начала я скептически к этому относилась. Во-первых потому что когда я отправила запрос на mail.ru, ответного сообщения не пришло. Письмо я отправила Вт 05 апр 2011, а получила сегодня 08 июн 2011. Честно говоря я вообще уже забыла про это.

Вы уж извините за мой копирайт :shy:

@темы: Дин Винчестер/Дженсен Эклз, Информация

13.02.2015 в 15:57

Блин.. Хотелось бы конечно такой себе подарок)
Кому-нибудь ещё приходило? А то может и не стоит пытаться, если не приходят...
21.02.2015 в 02:22

Рисунки на крови
Гость, нууууу с таким настроем ты слона не продашь.))) А чо вот ты теряешь если попытаешься? С тебе что денег просят? Мне пришло, моей подруги пришло. Хотя мы из разных городов. А остальное ваше дело)
11.03.2015 в 16:28

а мне не пришло(((я 5 уже жду
25.03.2016 в 21:34

Чтобы прислали автограф достаточно написать свой адрес на мыло ? Или все же придется письмо отправлять ?
19.06.2016 в 19:58

Я отправила письмо сегодня через майл, теперь ждать буду!! (Меня если что Даша зовут)
01.02.2019 в 15:13

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03.02.2024 в 14:26

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05.02.2024 в 04:39

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Прослушивающие устройства - шпионские устройства, такие как жучки. Самый широкий выбор от шпиона до полупрофессиональных устройств на складе для продажи.С этим устройством прослушивания аудио-шпионов, вы можете слышать разговоры через стены и другие барьеры.
Хорошего дня!
07.02.2024 в 02:37

07.02.2024 в 03:17

A look at the key moments in the Israel-Hamas war as the conflict reaches its 100th day
omg omg
It’s been 100 days since the outbreak of Israel’s war in Gaza, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed "nobody will stop us" from destroying Hamas as his country faces accusations of genocide at The Hague.

The Israeli military began an offensive on the Palestinian enclave after Hamas militants launched a brutal assault on Israel on October 7, with gunmen killing around 1,200 people and taking more than 200 people hostage, according to Israeli authorities.

Since the attack, more than 23,843 people in Gaza have been killed, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.
07.02.2024 в 03:47

A look at the key moments in the Israel-Hamas war as the conflict reaches its 100th day
площадка omg
It’s been 100 days since the outbreak of Israel’s war in Gaza, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed "nobody will stop us" from destroying Hamas as his country faces accusations of genocide at The Hague.

The Israeli military began an offensive on the Palestinian enclave after Hamas militants launched a brutal assault on Israel on October 7, with gunmen killing around 1,200 people and taking more than 200 people hostage, according to Israeli authorities.

Since the attack, more than 23,843 people in Gaza have been killed, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.
07.02.2024 в 07:58

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07.02.2024 в 17:42

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08.02.2024 в 14:30

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08.02.2024 в 20:40

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09.02.2024 в 11:59


4rabet bonus always in demand among bettors
4rabet betting site bonus always in demand among Indian bettorsThe famous sportsbook agency 4rabet was launched in the betting world in 2018. Umbrella development B.V is the founder of this famous betting site.

This Cyprus-based betting site offers various opportunities for betting such as live betting, online casino, live casino, sports betting, and many more. Players can easily communicate with its professional customer support system. They are open 24?7. But live chat support is not up to the mark here.

The games offered by 4rabet
This popular betting site gives chances to their players to enjoy betting on several sports such as basketball, cricket, soccer, table tennis, volleyball, ice hockey, rocket league, American football, and many others.

Apart from enjoying sports betting, players can enjoy 4000 different casino games such as blackjack, roulette, and many more.

Deposit options are given By 4rabetDeposit options are given By 4rabet
There are several deposit options available for the bettors for starting betting on this sportsbook site. This betting site offers several methods such as phonepe, UPI, google pay, cryptocurrency, and many more.

4rabet bonus wagering criteria
Those players belong to India, only they can avail of this bonus
This bonus is available only for a week
To pay out the bonus, it must be wagered 10 times at the odds of 1.7 or more than that
4rabet bonus
Many players join this betting site for its 4rabet free bonus. But to avail of this bonus, players need to make a money deposit.

4rabet free bonus is available for all new players who log in to their account and make their money deposit. With the 4rabet welcome bonus, players can receive up to 100% up to 15000 rupees. That indicates punters can earn a double bonus after depositing 15000 rupees.

How to claim a 4rabet bonus?
Many players are curious to know how to use the bonus in 4rabet. They have to follow some simple steps to having this bonus.

Players have to click to visit this betting site.
After that they have to click on the button “Get bonus”
Thereafter players will see the form of sign-up. That asks players to choose the bonus they like to redeem. Players have to submit the details and then choose the 100 % up to 15000 bonus.
Then players have to generate an account
After that they have to make their initial deposit. To get a bonus, players have to make a 4rabet deposit bonus is 750 rupees
After successful deposit, a bonus automatically gets deposited in the player’s account
How players can have a 4ra bet promo codeHow players can have a 4ra bet promo code
4rabet promo code in India is available only for new players. Players can use 4rabet promo code 4RAJA during the registration process for qualifying for

Free bets: players can place a bet without spending their funds
Free spins: punters can use it in slot machines
Jackpot is a 6 digit amount given in lotteries, contests, and tournaments. But to have this, players have to request it in the online chat. It will be given after filling out a profile.

09.02.2024 в 18:58

Alaska Airlines CEO says company found loose bolts on ‘many’ Boeing Max 9s
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Alaska Airlines CEO Ben Minicucci revealed the carrier found “some loose bolts on many” Boeing 737 Max 9s in an interview for “NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt” on Tuesday.

It was the CEO’s first interview since a door plug on one of its Max 9 airplanes shot out from the side of the fuselage only a few minutes into a flight from Portland, Oregon, to Ontario, California, forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing.

“I’m more than frustrated and disappointed. I am angry. This happened to Alaska Airlines. It happened to our guests and happened to our people,” Minicucci said, according to excerpts released ahead of the interview’s airing.

“Boeing is better than this. Flight 1282 should never have happened,” Minicucci said during the interview.

Boeing’s 737 factory will have what the company calls a “quality stand down” at its Renton, Washington facility Thursday, the company announced Tuesday.
10.02.2024 в 08:54

10.02.2024 в 12:56

10.02.2024 в 21:48

4rabet App Review
If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide on the 4raBet App, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss the advantages of using the app, how to download and install it, and how to use its various features. We’ll also take a look at some of the system requirements and FAQs associated with the app. So whether you’re a seasoned bettor or just starting out, read on for all you need to know about 4raBet!

Advantages of the 4raBet Mobile App
There are many advantages to using the 4raBet Mobile App. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that it allows you to place bets on the go, without having to be tethered to a desktop computer. This is perfect for those who like to travel or don’t always have access to a laptop or PC. Also the app is completely free to download and use, so you can save your hard-earned money for other things! The Best odds among other sports betting applications in India. Even if you’re not familiar with mobile betting apps, you’ll be able to figure out how to place a bet in no time at all. Plus, the app is available in both English and Hindi, so you can choose the language that’s most comfortable for you.

How to Download and Install the 4rabet App
The 4raBet App is available for both Android and iOS devices. To download the app for Android, you need to go to the 4raBet website and click on the “Download for Android” button. Once the file has downloaded, open it and install the app by following the prompts on your screen. For iOS devices, you can find the app in the App Store by searching for ” 4raBet.”

4rabet app installation process
The installation process is very simple and should only take a few minutes. After you’ve downloaded the file, double-click it to open it. Then follow the directions on your display. You may need to provide some basic information such as your name and email address, but once you have done so, the app will be installed and ready to use.

How to use the 4raBet mobile app
Now that you’ve installed the 4raBet Mobile App, it’s time to learn how to use it. The first thing you need to do is create an account. Once you have created an account, you will be able to log in and start placing bets.

To place a bet, simply click on the “Sports” tab and select the sport you want to bet on. Then choose the event you want to bet on and click “bet.” You will be prompted to enter your stake and then confirm your bet. It’s that easy!

If you want to check your account balance or withdraw funds, you can do so by clicking on the “Account” tab. Here you will also be able to view your bet history and see how much money you have won or lost.

The 4raBet Mobile App is packed with features that make betting on the go easy and convenient. Here are just a few of the things you can do with the app:

– Place bets on sports such as cricket, football, basketball, and more

– Withdraw or deposit funds into your account

– Check your account balance and bet history

– View live scores and results

– Get customer support 24/seven

System requirements
The Android version of the 4raBet app requires the following:

– Android 9.0 or higher

– At least 30 MB of free space

The iOS version of the app requires the following:

– iOS 12.0 or higher

– Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

– At least 30MB of free space

Installation instruction of 4raBet app on Android
Because the 4raBet APK file will not be available on the Play Market’s official store after you download it, you must enable installation of the downloaded APK in your phone’s settings before uninstalling.

– On your phone, search for a privacy setting.

– After that, you must allow the installation of an unknown file downloaded from outside the Play Store.

– After that, select the file and allow the installation. The software will be installed automatically after you click on it.

– The icon will be displayed on your desktop. Let’s get this party started!

Installation instruction of 4raBet mobile app on iOS
The 4raBet app for iOS can be downloaded from the App Store.

– You’ll need to alter the App Store’s settings in order to change locations.

– Go to the Settings menu on your iPhone, then select your profile, followed by the App Store. Select the Apple ID option at the bottom of the screen and change your country and region.

– Then you’ll be able to discover the app in AppStore’s searcher.

– After setup and registration, go into the market settings to change the geodata to reality. After you’ve downloaded and installed it on your smartphone, you’ll be able to use all of its features without disturbing others.

Supported devices
The 4raBet app is compatible with the following devices:

– iPhone

– iPad

– iPod Touch

– Android phone or tablet

Some older devices may not be supported.

All devices that meet the system requirements listed above should be able to run the 4raBet app without any problems.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the 4raBet app:

Is the 4rabet App Free?
Yes, the 4rabet App is completely free to download and use.

How to Log In to the App?
To log in to the 4rabet App, simply enter your username and password. If you don’t have an account yet, you can create one by clicking on the “Register” button.

How to Place a Bet with the App?
To place a wager with the 4rabet App, go to the “Sports” page and pick the sport you want to bet on. Then choose the event you wish to gamble on and hit “bet.” You’ll be asked to input your stake before being allowed to confirm your bet.

10.02.2024 в 23:44

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11.02.2024 в 05:10

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